Sinixt Culture

sngaytskstx (Sinixt) have been identified differently by various people throughout the centuries (e.g., Lakes Indians, or Sin-Aikst) and this has contributed much confusion surrounding the history of Sinixt people in their traditional territory. Ethnographic records show several spellings of the word ‘sngaytskstx’ as past explorers and others, largely unfamiliar with the traditional language, attempted to transcribe it. The fur traders in British Columbia invented their own name for sngaytskstx, Lakes Indians, which is a direct reference to the heart of our traditional territory (Arrow Lakes Region, B.C.) and the waterways on which we travelled. Classified as part of the Plateau Culture Area, our people’s culture dates back 11,000 years ago and self-identification was interwoven with the local environment. In turn, our people have literally shaped the landscape for thousands of years through our traditional practices.

Fishing (click here to go to Fishing mainpage)

Introduction (Wealth of resources, importance of salmon to diet and cultural identity, etc.)

Fish species (Traditional names, timing of spawning events, etc.)

Traditional fishing areas (Fishing camp/village locations, time of use, etc.)

Traditional Fishing Methods and Gear (Differences between fishing methods, traditional gear, how fishing tools were made, etc.)

Traditional Management Techniques (Socio-political organization, salmon chiefs, etc.)

Demise of Fishing in Sinixt Territory (Hydro-Electric Dams, Columbia River Treaty (CRT), etc.)

Current News (Sinixt youth paddle for return of the salmon, CRT re-negotiations, etc.)


Hunting (click here to got to Hunting mainpage)

Introduction (Wealth of resources, importance of game meat to diet, survival and traditional way of life, etc.)

Animal species (Species used, importance of ungulate species, etc.)

Traditional Hunting Areas (Hunting camp/village locations, time of use, etc.)

Traditional Hunting Methods and Gear Processing (Different hunting methods, traditional gear, how tools were made, etc.)

Traditional Management Techniques (Socio-political organization, etc.)

Demise of Hunting in Sinixt Territory (Hudson's Bay Campany, shift of control in wildlife management, etc)

Current News (Court case, etc.)


Plant Foods and Medicines (click here to go to Plants and Medicines mainpage)

Introduction (Diversity of Columbia plateau, importance of plant foods in traditional diet, evolution of plant use, 5 main food groups, etc.)

Roots (Species used, types of roots, traditional names, harvesting and processing, tools, pit-cooking, etc.)

Greens (Species used, types of roots, traditional names, harvesting and processing, tools, etc.)

Fruits and Berries (Species used, types of roots, traditional names, harvesting and processing, tools, etc.)

Seeds and Nuts (Species used, types of roots, traditional names, harvesting and processing, tools, etc.)

Cambium (Species used, types of roots, traditional names, harvesting and processing, tools, etc.)

Plant medicines (Species used, traditional names, description of some uses, etc.)

Traditional Gathering Areas (Gathering camp/village locations, time of use, etc.)

Traditional Management Techniques (Burning, propagation, sustaining maximum yields, etc.)

Demise of Gathering in Sinixt Territory (Development and privately owned lands, limited access to traditional areas, etc.)

Current News (Health implications of western diet, return traditional foods to diet by reviving traditional ways, etc.)


Shelter (click here to go to Shelter mainpage)

Introduction (Complex hunter-gatherers, etc.)

Traditional Village Sites (Village locations, time of use, etc.)

Types of Shelter (Pithouse, tipi, how shelters were made, materials, etc.)

Archaeological Work: Before Inundation (Archeological evidence confirming Sinixt village sites and burial grounds prior to dam construction)

Archaeological Work: After Inundation (Archeological evidence confirming Sinixt village sites and burial grounds after dam construction)

Current News (Lemon Creek village site, Vallican village site, Perry Ridge cultural site, etc.)


Language (click here to go to Language mainpage)

Introduction (Language groups of interior plateau peoples, dialects, non-indigenous classification of languages, etc.)

Place names (Describe geographical locations, traditional names replaced by anglicized versions or contemporary names, etc.)

Confusion of Sinixt Identity (Colonialism, Historians/Fur Traders/Settlers, etc.)

Current News (Language dictionary, language programs, etc.)


Transportation (click here to go to Transportation mainpage)

Introduction (Waterways as highways, grease trails, etc.)

Surgeon-nosed Canoe (Designed for local environment, how it was made, etc.)

Grease trails (List of known trails in Sinixt territory, laws, etc.)

Arrival of the horse (Changes in travel, trading and hunting adaptations, etc.)

Demise of 'Free Passage' in Sinixt Territory (International border, the Jay Treaty, etc.)

Current News (Recent construction of sturegeon-nosed canoe, etc.)


Territory (click here to go to Territory mainpage)

Introduction (Borders of traditional Sinixt territory, unceeded territory, etc.)

“Shared territory” (Who’s doing the sharing, BC Treaty process, Ktunaxa claim, Okanagan claim, etc.)

The International border (Border restrictions, loss of access to traditional territory, demographic shift, etc.)

Intermarriage (Examples of intermarriage, blood relatives enrolled with different Bands, etc.)

Indian Reservations (Brilliant, Oatscott Reserve, etc.)

Contemporary Sinixt Occupation of Traditional Territory in Canada (Vallican blockade, repatriation of ancestral remains, Perry Ridge, etc.)

Current News (Recent consultation and recognition of Sinixt by local governments, etc.)